Action Learning – Training the Facilitators
This training course aims to equip facilitators with the knowledge and skills to begin to practice as Action Learning Facilitators. It will teach the fundamental principles and theoretical underpinning of Action Learning and includes an experiential element of practice. The training will run as a functioning ALS group, requiring participants to attend all the scheduled sessions.
Now commonly used in organisations, Action Learning is a method for bringing thinking and action together. Kurt Lewin, the founder of Action Research is often quoted as saying that if you want to understand a system, try changing it. In other words, in order to understand our work places, why some things work and other initiatives fail we are required to repeatedly act and reflect. Doing both – action and reflection – is essential for system learning and growth and this is particularly important during periods of system challenge and change.
Action Learning aims to develop this reflective capacity within individuals, groups and the systems they work in. With the support of peers in the group, individuals examine problems and challenges from a fresh perspective. As individuals move away from a single way of viewing their challenge, they may feel more empowered with more options for action. The group supports the formulation of these ideas, and their evaluation. As cycles of action and reflection become embedded in working practices, individuals and teams become increasingly self-sufficient and open to growth and learning.
The role of facilitator in any set can affect the effectiveness of the group in undertaking the task. The purpose of the role is to encourage each set member to take responsibility for defining their issues, for action in overcoming a problem and pursuing an opportunity or task. The function of the role is to hold the boundary of the work and contain the participant’s experience as they explore their issues. The facilitator models this process and set members learn to act as a group through this modelling and through enhancing and acquiring skills that enable the set members to receive support (from other set members).
The cost of this training will be £1250 for 27 hours of learning (9 x 3 hour sessions) and experience of facilitating an Action Learning Set with supervision
For further information, please email: