Phase 3
Phase 3 involves the roll out of the agreed system changes. This will involve a variety of methods, including Change Management and Quality Improvement approaches. It will involve establishing information and quality infrastructures within providers and commissioners and the setting up of a collaborative assessment of progress and identification of issues that arise so that these can be tackled across the locality.
Quality Improvement
QI Training, Case Studies and Tools.
Implementation Stories
How sites across the country have implemented the principles of the THRIVE Framework for system change (Wolpert et al. 2019).
Useful tools:
- Learning from other implementation sites: Top tips for successful implementation of the THRIVE Framework, based on learning from the National i-THRIVE Community of Practice.
- An implementation template plan has been developed to act as a useful starting point for sites developing their own implementation plans: i-THRIVE Toolkit Implementation Plan.
- Support for creating PDSA cycles: PDSA Template.
- Using the Five Whys technique: “Five Whys?”.