i-THRIVE Implementation Stories provide examples of how National i-THRIVE Community of Practice sites have approached implementing the principles of the THRIVE Framework for system change (Wolpert et al., 2019).
Implementation stories grouped by the THRIVE Framework’s needs based groupings
Thriving Getting Advice and Signposting Getting Help
Getting More Help Getting Risk Support
Implementation stories grouped by principles of the THRIVE Framework
Shared Decision Making Promoting Equitable Access
THRIVE and Whole System Service Design
Application of the Principles of the THRIVE Framework Within Education Settings
Young People’s Participation When to Stop Treatment
Implementation stories grouped by geographical areas
North West North East Midlands South West
If you have an example of how you have implemented any of the principles of the THRIVE Framework in your services and are interested in developing an implementation story with us, please contact the team at ithriveinfo@tavi-port.nhs.uk.